Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hilbert Hotel

I was just reading a series of fantastic articles on mathematical concepts. Yes, sounds dry and dismal, but I promise you, it's exactly the opposite of dry and dismal. (Wet and cheerful? )

Hilbert Hotel:

A famous infinity conundrum that discusses the concept of the ever elusive infinity through an illustrative hotel, with it's hotel manager constantly trying to accommodate guests. As the signboard outside the hotel reads, it always has room for one more. Read on, I promise you wont get bored.

Group Theory:

Alright alright, not the most fascinating of names, but read on. Chances are you'll come out knowing a little bit more about flipping mattresses.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I'm having one of those phases where one's massively obsessed with improving one's lifestyle. You know, eat healthy, cook healthy, exercise more, read lifehack obsessively, spend commuting time completing conversations, listening to audio books or thinking about thesis, using lots of post its, having virtual post its on desktop, rearranging desktop icons to boost productivity, reading blogs by Tim Ferris, reading nutrition and good habits guides on Livestrong. You get the picture. It's a nice feeling to know you're doing something that is eventually going to pay off in the form of a better more toned physique (hopefully) and probably lower the risk of you having a massive heart attack sometime in future, also lower your risk of getting high cholestrol, cancer or diabetes. Plus, its an easy way to shed those extra pounds.

Speaking of extra pounds, you know those rogue last few? The ones that dont go despite all the effort you put in. I mean, there's only a limit to the number of calories you can deprive yourself of without going enroute skanky whore diet. I want to eat healthy, not eat less. But the last few kilos wont go away. It's ridiculous.

Also, my new obsession is getting back my flat tummy. Yes, once upon a time, for about a year and a half, I did have a flat tummy. I wont call them abs because they weren't toned enough to get my belly button pierced. But they were toned enough to wear tank tops and show off some skin. Those were the days I was obsessed with thunder thighs. You know, I used to think I have massive thighs and would only engage in spot reduction exercises for those areas. I've long since reconciled myself to my pear shaped physique. I can do anything about the butts and the thighs, but what I can do is get rid of the sloth that has taken up residence around my tummy. Thank god I have no tiers or love handles. That would be a pain to get rid of.

So, I'm doing crunches, almost every day. It's useful to have Miss Fab-Abs as my flatmate. Brings things into perspective. Also, it helps reading shape magazine every night before going to bed. It always means a better healthier day next day.

My new project - or what I'm trying to make my new obsession, is to figure out how the DSLR works. It's ridiculous. I've had it for months now - since June to be precise and I still have got no clue as to the settings and how to optimise controls for the best pictures. To be honest, these days you dont really need fabulous settings, with the advent of photoshop and photoshop for dummies aka Picasa. But still. I've spent a massive amount of dough on this thing and I'd better learn to use it.

That's it for today.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Juice Fast

I'm thinking about starting a juicefast tomorrow. It sounds easy when I think about it now, though. Behaviorial economists like to call it "present bias naiveté". It's about how we, the eternal simpletons, naively assume that we will be more self controlled, disciplined individuals with healthier habits, tomorrow. I'm mildly deviating here, but I'd like to quote St. Augustine of Hippo, who famously said, in the oldest known example of present bias - "Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet."

Anywho, getting back to the point about the juice fast. After a bit of recon work on the interweb I found the following:

1. What makes you hungry?

  • Affected by this tiny portion of the brain called the hypothalamus.
  • 6 primary triggers:
- Light of the day to determine body rhythm and physiological create appetite
- Olfactory stimuli
- Natural Steroidal activity
- Neurally transmitted information
- Blood borne chemicals such as insulin, leptin
- Stress

2. What does a juice fast do?

  • Breaks the natural rhythm of hunger
  • Stops inappropriate appetite simulation
  • Cleanses gastrointestinal tract of accumulated residue of years of bad diet
  • Cleanses hypothalamus of learned chemical mediators that can increase appetite
  • Breaks the cycle of eating habits that can lead to weight gain

3. How to do a juice fast?

Okay. Let's not get into the ridiculous concoctions that you're expected to drink. First, from my point of view - eating healthy is expensive and time consuming. So, I will start of with a simple orange juice diet. I will outline the nutrition information of the Tropicana Orange and Mango because
a) it tastes slightly better than orange juice
b) I have a carton of it on me right now

Per 1000 ml

Energy - 480 kcal

No salt /fat
More than the recommended daily allowance of sugar - which is bad!

Tomorrow's diet

- 1 L of Tropicana - 480
- 1 yoghurt - 75
- Eggs - when craving for salt arises


Thursday, August 11, 2011

So. I've found this incredible webcomic that I'm totally addicted to. It's a story of a journalist/blogger Hazel and her strangely delightful friends. I started off with it a few days back and its taking up most of my time these days.

So since we're on the subject of webcomics .. my love for webcomics began about a couple of months before my exams at Oxford. My vicious urge to procrastinate coupled with my mind being too exhausted to read blogs and magazines led naturally to.. webcomics. My entree into webcomicdom began with.. oh crap.. cant remember really. What was it? Uhm.. okay, embarassing revelation here.. I used to follow Luann online.. dont know why though. It's become incredibly silly over the past few years.. and the punchlines mostly get a smirk out of me.. seldom a laugh. Anywho.. so what was my first proper webcom.. dont know really. QC, Dinosaur Comics, SMBC - can all battle for the first spot maybe. Oh.. I used to read xkcd as well.. but I hardly ever got the jokes.. they're so obscure most of the times. Blah. And PhD comics! I'm no PhD student.. but they're hilarious.

This reminds me.. I'll be attending a PhD film screening at Oxford sometime in Michaelmas this year. Should be fun.

Back to webcomics.. others that I enjoyed/loved - PerryBibleFellowship, Channel Ate, etc.

That's it for now.. cant be bothered to type more. And gotta head home in a bit anyway. Yes. I'm blogging from work.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Its late evening now and I'm lying on the bed, in a position that's probably going to give me a debilitating back pain some time later in life. But I cant be bothered to get up and sit straight. Economists call this 'time inconsistency'. Also known as procrastination. It affects the best of us, paralyzing plans, turning us into blundering fools. But we never give up on it. Or at least I dont. I'm pretty sure this blog is a tool to procrastinate. I'm not sure what I'm trying to postpone though. It could be the fact that I still am not sure about what exactly I want to do for my MPhil. And that scares the hell out of me. Maybe I'm thinking too much, expecting something grand to materialize.
I need inspiration. INSPIRATION.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Good morning my omniscient readers. It's a fresh windy day today. The weather, in the words of E, is romantic - absolutely perfect for a bollywood love song in the gardens of the Patna zoo. It makes no difference once you reach office though. Its an airtight box of sorts, air conditioned - sometimes chilly. The internet works, most of the times. Its almost like we've been transported to a different world.

I'm about to resume work on my report. Its on all sorts of research opportunities that are available in Bihar, mapped to the various research areas. I'm done with Agriculture and Infrastructure and Urbanization.

Today's agenda -
1. Complete the following sections :

  • Governance, Accountability and Political Economy
  • Climate change, Natural Resources and Environment
  • Human Capital
2. Work on the slides for the presentation and also.. call Prof C to find out whether I can use the slides at all. What a colossal waste all of yesterday's effort shall be - if the laptop isnt available.

Thats about it for now.
